Saturday, December 8, 2007

Community Outreach At CCCD

Each term Nathan's school does a community outreach. The purpose is to teach the children to have compassion for the less fortunate. This term the community outreach was held at Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf. Each class bought Christmas gifts for students at the center and the PTA provided lunch for everybody which included a piece of chicken, a roll, an orange slice, a drink and ice cream.

The day began with, you guessed it, standing in line. Jaleel, who is behind Nathan, wasn't very happy about something. Mrs. Dixon, the school secretary, gave us our orientation and introduced us to CCCD's principal. She welcomed us and talked to us for awhile about the specifics of the school.

We then went upstairs to the multi-purpose room where they had chairs set up for everyone in front of a small stage. The principal of CCCD introduced each one of her staff members and our secretary introduced all of MBCA's staff and parents. We are finding that recognition is very important here.
The program began with the deaf students doing sign language to songs. They were very good but, just like all programs in Jamaica it was over kill and the younger students quickly lost interest. Each age level performed at least three songs, when one or two would have been plenty.

This group was the best. Here they performed My Redeemer Lives by Nicole Mullen. It was very well done and quite powerful. The principal explained to us that this is the group that travels to the states to help the school raise money and get sponsors for each child. They also have a lot of construction teams that come and make improvements to the facility.

After the program, the principal of CCCD taught the kids several phrases in sign language and that was fun but, again, the over kill thing. At the end of the program each one of the classes from Nathan's school came up, got a present and presented it to one of the deaf students.

That part was really sweet and that is, of course, what it was all about. Unfortunately, the student that was to receive the present Nathan and Jaleel had wasn't there.

So, one of the teachers took it from them and put it aside to give to the student later. I was waiting for Nathan to ask where his present was but, he didn't. I think Nathan's teachers did a good job explaining what the purpose of the visit was.


Nathan's Uncle said...

I LOVE the song "I Know My Redeemer Lives!" I'm getting blessed and choked up right now just thinking about it. That's always how I know a song is anointed.

So glad Bubby got to participate in that event . . . sorry . . . had to stop a minute for another anointed song. I'm cleaning the bathroom and playing one of my Christmas mixes, and Damaris Carbaugh started singing "He Became Poor," and as always the Holy Ghost showed up.

His were the planets and stars in the sky,
His were the mountains and valleys so high,
His all Earth's riches from pole unto pole,
But He became poor to ransom my soul.

Okay, I've stopped squalling. Maybe Nathan's Ma will sing that song for us when she comes home for Christmas.

Do you have any close-ups of Bubby from the CCCD visit?

Nathan's Uncle said...

Oops, I believe the lyrics are:

His were the valleys and mountains so high.

Never seen a high valleys. I can't type when I'm being blessed.

Nathansma said...

No, I don't have any close-ups of Bubby at CCCD? He was bored, of course, so I didn't want to get any close-ups of him.

P.S. I'll sing He Became Poor if you will sing Light Of A Million Mornings.

Nathan's Uncle said...

It's a deal!