Monday, May 26, 2008

When He Was On The Cross...

Mama and Daddy went to church with us yesterday. I know it was hard on them with them not being use to the heat and the chairs being less than adequate. But, in true missionary style, they were champs. We did take a comfortable padded chair for mama. All of our people came to hear Daddy sing and speak. As always he did a wonderful job. After almost 43 years, I never tire of hearing my Daddy sing and speak. Although age has affected his mellow tenor voice, his passion still shines through and the result is as beautiful as it has always been.

The service began with just a handful of people. Among them, a heckler, whose name is Ricky. Ricky is big boy. He could easily pass for an American football player. As we began the music, he started laughing loudly and whistling, clearly trying to show off and disrupt. And, my mama, went to praying. It wasn't long before Ricky settled down and realized that he wasn't going to deter the service. Ricky has been with us before with other hecklers and has come in, put on his show and left, never staying for the whole service. Yesterday, however, he stayed from beginning to end. Everyone in the community knows Ricky and I watched the surprise on the faces of latecomers when they saw him sitting quietly and being attentive. He even went up for prayer at the end of the service. We all know he will be on Evelyn's prayer list for awhile.

When Daddy came up he told the people a little about himself and then sang, When He Was On The Cross, I Was On His Mind. He then preached out of Mark about Jairus, whose daughter was sick and the woman with the issue of blood. He shared how even though Jesus was on his way to help Jairus' daughter he stopped and took the time to talk to the woman who had been an outcast for twelve years. And, just like he had time for her, he has time for the needs of the people of Jamaica, some of who themselves feel to be outcasts.

Several weeks ago we ordered a podium for Daddy to use from the wood shop next to the church but, not surprising to us, after being promised for three weeks that it would be finished, it wasn't ready. So, we came up with a makeshift podium and it was an eyesore but, it served its purpose.

We took one of the air conditioner boxes Todd used for his makeshift desk and stood it on end. Todd put some books inside it to weight it down. Then I covered it with a table cloth and we set Nathan's adjustable desk on top of the box.

Daddy was able to read his notes and hold the microphone. It was actually sturdier than it looks.

For lunch we went to our new found Chinese restaurant and had a nice air conditioned lunch overlooking the azure waters of Montego Bay.


In other news around the house, we have spent time visiting and just being together. Nathan is enjoying having someone watch him play his Nintedo DS...even if it is Granddaddy. To him, his granddaddy is only blind sometimes.Below, DeeDee gets in a playful "spanking" with a piece of rolled up foam. She was lining my kitchen cabinets and are they evermore nice and organized.

She has also decorated the top of my kitchen cabinets with a few things she brought from home and the empty bottles of olive oil that I have saved because they were too pretty to throw away. My brother, Howard, and I have always loved pretty bottles. Wine bottles and olive oil bottles are the prettiest.

In typical Evelyn style, she said this one needs some greenery around the bottom of the plate. No doubt we will find some before she leaves.

And, finally, for all who were wondering...the chicken and dumplings the other night were delicious and oh, so comforting.


Unknown said...

I can attest to the chicken and dumplings in case you weren't convinced. Not only did I enjoy a bowl for supper the night before, but have experienced their comfort for lunch yesterday and today. Yum!

Kathy Collard Miller said...

Carla, I'm a new reader of your blog and it's been fun to be reminded of Montego Bay. I was there in 1969 as a short term missionary over a summer. I hope to return some day.
I'm wondering if the church where we ministered is still there: Church of the Open Bible. At that time a Reverend Leu was pastor. Of course, it would be too long ago for him to still be around, I suppose.
Thanks for representing the Lord there. Keep up the good work!

Nathansma said...

Thanks for the comment, Kathy! It's nice to hear from my readers. I would have no way of knowing about the church you worked with unless you could give me a little more detail on its location. I'm sure Montego Bay has changed a lot since you were here. We are slowly adjusting to the Jamaican way of life.

Kathy Collard Miller said...

Carla, thanks for your reply. Yes, I bet M.B. has changed tremendously. I can't remember where the church was located; don't even have the address, so regardless, I'll continue to enjoy reading your posts and living vicariously through you! :-) I praise God for your ministry.
Oh... I remember a fruit that we ate that was like a round pod which when you broke it open, there was a sweet fruit inside. Does that sound familiar?